Handkerchiefs may not be commonplace anymore but I still carry one on my as part of my EDC. Why you might ask? Simple, it’s still extremely useful, even in modern times.

Have you ever used a public restroom and there was no way to dry your hands, or the door was disgusting and you didn’t want to touch it with your bare hands?

Have you ever had to wipe your glasses, watch, or phone off after they became dirty or got wet?

Have you ever had a small cut and needed to apply pressure to it?

Have you ever been nowhere near a tissue and needed to sneeze, blow your nose, or wipe the sweat off your face?

Have you ever had to wear a mask and didn’t have one on you (I’m looking at your COVID rules)?

Have you ever had to wipe makeup off your face?

Ever needed to cool down where a cool, moist handkerchief would have done the job? Or simply needed some type of cloth to block the sun from your neck and/or head?
These are all situations most of us have been in and sure, you can wipe your hands on your pants, or your glasses on your shirt but it won’t do as good of a job and you’ll simply be transferring the mess onto the outside of your clothes. I’ll be honest, I wasn’t sure if I was going to have any real use for a handkerchief but after buying them and carrying one on me I couldn’t be happier to always have one available and suggest you carry one too.

Stay safe, be kind, and help those in need.

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